People’s best ways to cope with suicidal thoughts, as shared with @unsuicide on Twitter and collected below. 140 characters (or less) of experiential knowledge useful in recovery, in the authentic direct voices of people who’ve been suicidal. Scroll down the page to read them all.
If you are in imminent risk of suicide, or have already taken action, please go to a hospital. If you are in crisis, chat with a trained counsellor. Click one of the crisis support services linked on the left (or click here for listings by country).
To cope with daily life with less acute suicidal thoughts, consider the techniques shared here. Empower yourself. There is hope.
@unsuicide pet my dogs, DIY yoga, drink a cup of hot tea, go for a walk, take some deep breaths and close my eyes, get lost in a book . . .
β Catherine Tilford (@EmbraceStrength) September 23, 2013
@unsuicide: I cope by writing it out! That way I can process + keep track of my triggers. Or I listen to music. Distractions really help!
β Simply Undrea (@simplyundrea) February 14, 2014
@unsuicide When it gets too bad, I force myself to stay in bed until I fall asleep or [someone] returns my phone call.
β Shattering Silence (@Shatter_Silence) February 14, 2014
.@unsuicide Sometimes, being strong is just going to sleep without doing anything and waking up the next day still alive. π
β NeuroticAtheist (@SkinnyHobbit) February 22, 2014
@unsuicide I like the ‘forcing yourself to sleep’ notion. I find it very effective myself as well.
β Christine (@catffeinegirl) January 14, 2014
@unsuicide I often find too, that thoughts get worse as I get more tired, so sleeping is even more crucial to soften that edge.
β Christine (@catffeinegirl) January 14, 2014
@unsuicide Help others, stay present. Don’t let the past be a tormentor, let it be a story of survival shared with others or just listen.
β Selah Ysrael (@Selah_Ysrael) March 23, 2014
@unsuicide Oscar always wants to sleep on top of me and I can’t do anything crazy if he does. He comforts me.
β Melike (@melikelam) September 21, 2013

@unsuicide play the banjo. Go for a walk and watch birds. Text a friend.
β okie_elliott (@okie_elliott) August 21, 2013
@unsuicide ya there’s something about the amount of brainpower it takes to control banjo picking.makes it harder for other things to elbo in
β okie_elliott (@okie_elliott) August 21, 2013
@unsuicide i also read walt whitman. Or draw. And if i don’t know what to draw i start with my feet and go out, lol!
β okie_elliott (@okie_elliott) August 21, 2013
RT @dristflower music, has to be music. If I can’t have that I doodle or *try* to talk to a friend.
β unsuicide (@unsuicide) August 21, 2013
RT @MattTomineyII I deal with suicidal thoughts by distraction and/or cardiovascular task, usually riding my bike.
β unsuicide (@unsuicide) August 21, 2013
@unsuicide sleep it off!
β FitGirlie (@Need2Lose13) August 21, 2013
@unsuicide The shltr marked him “special needs” black & afraid of ppl, no1 wanted him. We saved each other!
β Nikki (@BPgrl01) July 14, 2013

Yes! MT @Suanta1 @unsuicide get to the trees…Sitting under a tree with my breath and smelling/feeling unrestricted life. Know it will pass
β Billiam James (@billiamjames) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide I try to endure and make a deal with myself not to act on my urges until the next day. Allow myself sedation as a way to survive.
β Xamantha (@DraakjeKa) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide Watch concerts of music I love on YouTube. Music doesn’t discriminate and is how people come together most peacefully…to create
β love moves you (@Suanta1) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide try to find a sense of my life not looking too much in the future. Try to focus on the moment with all my senses. Listen to signs
β marlene gauthier (@pagebleue) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide Writing; it’s saved my life in so many ways. Chocolate and coke are nice. Remind myself that I WILL feel better; it’s temporary.
β RobinRaven (@RobinRaven) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide an hour with a cat on your lap is wonderfully life affirming
β K9 FrΓ€ulein (@HuntingStewart) February 22, 2014

@unsuicide seeking ways to ease others suffering. seeing life through their eyes as I help them.
β Selah Ysrael (@Selah_Ysrael) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide I call someone for a chat. always call. even if its the samaritans.
β Sophie Howell. (@Sophieowls) May 20, 2013
@unsuicide meditation And breathing exercises.
β Philip (@HipsterMessiah) May 20, 2013
RT @Lost_soulM Getting out and either going quad biking, walking around at a park, zoo or market. As long as I’m not home alone.
β unsuicide (@unsuicide) October 31, 2012
@unsuicide. Remind myself its normal in bipolar. Examine surroundings for triggers ,check my meds. Call my coauthor john and my therapist!
β Julie A. Fast (@JulieBipolar) October 30, 2012
Here’s Max, one of my best reasons to live.
β unsuicide (@unsuicide) May 15, 2013

@unsuicide Remembering they’re just thoughts, knowing other ppl have them and keeping out of harm’s way!
β Kerro (@Kerroonthecouch) October 29, 2012
@unsuicide Distracting myself: reading a book, doing a crossword, etc. I have a plethora of freebie apps that are perfect for this!
β Katie (@kate_the_kitten) October 29, 2012
@unsuicide I have mp3s of positive affirmations and lie in bed meditating to them it helps to clear out head a bit
β Michelle Jones (@Shellyboms) October 28, 2012
@unsuicide Writing letters to my godchildren. It helps me remember what is important in the world.
β Karen Eddins (@KRDRE1974) October 28, 2012
@unsuicide I found that painting helped. It allows you to focus on something else other than negative thoughts.
β Emma Jefferson (@emmajeffo) October 28, 2012
@unsuicide Walking my dogs
β Linz (@LinzMoffat) October 28, 2012
@unsuicide writing them in a journal until I don’t feel too bad anymore. It helps tons & gets out what I couldn’t say out loud.
β Maddy Thompson (@MaddyInReverse) October 28, 2012
Me too! – MT @_bpdgirl Whenever I feel suicidal I make myself go to sleep.I always wake up feeling better.It’s how I cope.
β unsuicide (@unsuicide) April 29, 2012
@unsuicide #WhenImSadILikeTo listen to the song that talked me out of killing myself…always helps.
β Sarah Johnson (@ClothedInRoses) January 17, 2012